Thinking of starting a new face to face local meeting?

SCIG can offer advice.

Some of the things to consider before setting up a new meeting:

  • Upfront room rent costs?

  • Is the proposed venue near public transport routes?

  • Lowest number of people needed to cover the rent each week /month based on a suggested donation of £? per week? Can we definitely cover our costs if attendance numbers fall?

  • *Costs of start up literature?

  • Number of experienced OA people needed to cover the meeting service positions e.g. secretary(ies), treasurer, literature lead, Group Service Rep (GSR) for Intergroup

  • Are we face to face or also hybrid?

  • Setting up a bank / PayPal account for trad 7 donations and paying the rent and or zoom if hybrid.

  • Do we need to provide mugs, tea, coffee, milk, candles, lighter etc? 

*Note: If funds are available SCIG may be able to help with some start up literature costs if this is needed.
