Guidance for attending South Coast Intergroup Meetings
Group Service Representative (GSR) Reports
Please could each GSR submit a report containing the below information to the intergroup secretary. The report should be sent by Email to and should be submitted at least 1 week before each Intergroup meeting.
Confirmation your meeting is solvent. (Being solvent means you are getting enough Tradition 7 to cover your meeting’s costs)
Approximate number of attendees
Confirmation your meeting’s service positions are filled. If not please list your vacancies
Any Items your meeting would like to discuss at the next Intergroup meeting (this will be added to the Agenda)
Your current meeting details - Date, Time, Location, Zoom ID and password
Your meeting’s newcomer contact for your Group - Name, contact number and email address
Your meeting’s GSR Contact details- Name, contact number and email address
If your GSR rep changes please let intergroup know by emailing the secretary.
GSR Travel costs
Meetings during 2025 & 2026 will be held via Zoom. However, if there are face to face meetings, GSR travel costs are normally paid for by the individual group. The mileage rate, if driving, is 45p a mile. If any group needs assistance towards financing a rep to come to the
intergroup meeting, please do contact the intergroup Treasurer.
Voting at South Coast Intergroup Meetings
We would recommend that all new Board Members and GSRs read the full SCIG Intergroup Bylaws.
Here are some key points about how voting is carried out in SCIG Meetings.
Membership of the Intergroup is made up of:
The Intergroup Board (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, National Assembly Rep, Region 9 rep, Website Officer, Vice Website Officer, Public Information Officer & Events Coordinator.
Group Service Representatives (GSRs) from local meetings
Each member attending the Intergroup Meeting has one vote; any other member of the fellowship may attend Intergroup meetings,
and participate, but cannot vote.
Agreement is reached by general consensus wherever possible. Any member may request a specific vote on an issue which will be
decided by a simple majority.
The process of making a decision is carried out through a member proposing a motion and another member seconding the motion. A
discussion on the merits of the motion takes place before the motion is voted on by a show of hands. The Chair will cast a
deciding vote in the event of a tie, but will not otherwise participate in voting.